The basic fee for a tax return is CHF 200.–. This includes completing a tax return for one employed person, including standard occupational expenses, or for a pensioner any number of pensions. It also includes all social deductions (deductions for children etc.), as well as the correspondence in English.
A lot of other tax consultants have a absolutely nontransparent price policy. We are different! We offer reasonable prices which are calculable in advance. Very extensive and costly tax return will be charged on operating expenses.
You can use us as your executer if you would like to avoid conflicting between your heirs. We gladly inform you about things to do to arrange your last will.
Supplements of CHF 5 for
- deduction per donation
- cash payment at the post office for our bill
Supplements of CHF 10 for
- multiple salary statements (e.g. change of job) / pension- & salary statement
- replacement income / extra income / double earner / secondary income
- every entry in the list of debts
- every item of documentary evidence relating to deductions for 2nd or 3rd pillar as well as contributions of non-employed persons to the AHV
- every entry relating to deductions of medical expenses
- every bank and PC account in CHF
- each entry for bank charges
- every entry concerning interest-free claims, cash & precious metal
- every entry of a life insurance policy / a vehicle (only BL) on the asset side
- each entry of assets or liabilities (in relation to an own Company)
- lists and notes for the tax authorities (for each line)
- each conversion of foreign currency into CHF, etc
Supplements of CHF 20 for
- lump-sum settlements
- every entry of fund units, Swiss shares and CHF bonds
- property accounts using flat-rate method
- being part of a community of heirs with existing figures
- each reminder from Saxer Treuhand AG (our bill)
Supplements of CHF 25 for
- each entry of foreign currency accounts & bonds as well as foreign shares without income
- entry of legacy/gift in the list of securities
Supplements of CHF 30 for
- each entry of fund units, Swiss shares and CHF bonds with additional purchases & partial sales
- each entry of foreign shares with income / each entry on form DA-1 / R-US
- conversions in the event of relocation into or out of the tax district or in the event of death
- tax budget for persons liable to tax at source
Supplements of CHF 50 for
- express-service if the tax return needs to be completed within 30 days
Supplements of CHF 150 for
- Correspondence service (c/o Saxer Treuhand AG)
Charge based on time spent for:
- non-flat-rate occupational expenses
- alimony / maintenance contribution / Child care cost (min. of CHF 10.–)
- copies for second canton (min. of CHF 10.–)
- calculation of medical expenses, if there is no deduction possible (min. CHF 5.–)
- extra work to affix receipts on an A4 paper, remove staples, print and sort out documents (double-sided) and figures from a lot of papers
- deduction for each person receiving support (min. of CHF 10.–)
- securities held with foreign banks
- postal charges if the envelope is thicker than 2 cm or more than 1 kg (min. of CHF 10.–)
- filtering out tax figures from condominium association statements
- calculation of property expenses, if the flat rate deduction is higher (min. CHF 5.–)
- property accounts with deduction of actual costs incurred (CHF 10.–/position, min. CHF 40.–)
- property with rental income (min. of CHF 40.–)
- extra work for print and sort out documents/figures from a lot of papers
- missing paperwork/queries and providing documents not all at once (min. of CHF 20.–)
- lists provided by customer will be checked only if expressly stated
- tax allocation, inter cantonal/international (min. CHF 30.–)
- additional tax calculation on request (min. CHF 20.–)
- calculation of tax allocation: proportion of tax owed by the husband & owed by the wife
- a tariff correction (couples each CHF 200.– / singles CHF 250.–
- questionnaire BL (in the event of relocation to BL or new tax liability CHF 150.–)
Our special service for you: We offer you to meet you at home or in your office to pick up the required documents. This service can only be offered from June until Janary and will be charged seperately.
Extensive tax returns and those involving a large volume of work, personal tax advice ,voluntary declaration, objections & accounting will be invoiced on a time spent basis (CHF 200 per hour).